Academic Accreditations


Hands-on Workshop for Respiratory Physicians (1 Sep)

Hands-on Workshop for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals (1 Sep)

Symposium on Asthma and COPD (1 - 2 Sep)

  Hong Kong College of Community Medicine

3 3 10

  Hong Kong College of Family Physicians (Category 5.2)

3 3 10

  Hong Kong College of Paediatricans (Category A)

3 3 9

  Hong Kong College of Physicians

2.5 2.5 12

  Hong Kong College of Radiologists (Category B)

2.5 2.5 12

  College of Surgeons of Hong Kong

2.5 2.5 12

  MCHK Programme

2 2 6

  Continuing Nursing Education

2.5 2.5 10.5

  Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association

3 3 10

  Occupational Therapists Board

2.5 2.5 10.5

  CE Programme for Pharmacists
  (Max. for whole function: 10 points)

3 3 10